A Walkthrough of How a Quality Management System Can Help One Patient

The reports and suggestions on various quality improvement process in healthcare strategies have been troubling and overwhelming. This is not an inherently simple thing to understand. Major companies are trying to find ways to streamline medical efforts by providing software systems and processes for greater simplification and data organization. But anytime a new system is embraced, a few people will be left in the cold. This is the transitional phase where the new system is coming into place and wiring itself into the ecosphere of the medical institutution.

The Big Four with quality management in healthcare

What is considered Quality improvement in healthcare? It is typically a clinical system that does the four below main accomplishements.

Tracks past data of patients whether they are a new patient coming from another facility or returning patient.

Tracks data of the overall deployment, including employee data, fingerprints, and team structures.
Creates an overall response plan based on patient data as well as the total pool of data in the system.
Applies financial terms and stipulations to keep the medical entity successful and progressing
All this may seem sensible on the surface, but how does it work in practice? The below is an overall walk-through of how this clinical quality measures system applies to a single patient.

Patient Zero: An Example

A new patient comes into the office and provides all the information they can give their situation. The clinic does what they do best by gathering evidence of the situation in evaluating what they know about it already. The management system will begin automating the data. They do this by building a profile on that patient. This information will then be applied to the system so other entities can review it and use it in their statistics and record-keeping. The data is input into the enterprise data warehouse which is a scalable system for organizing the content.

The situation for the patient is rather peculiar. There is no obvious answer, so the doctors review the population health management network to help get some additional input on the situation. They will then build a response plan considering at least three major elements. The first is the safety to the patient. The second is their satisfaction in the process as well as the outcome. The third is the cost including insurance concerns, Medicare, and the overall structural budget for the facility.

Throughout this process, a measurement system is applied that prioritizes the data and offers calculations. You can even provide data visualization for both employees in the medical institution and even patients. Overall, companies are developing these systems to make the business of medicine more efficient and safe.